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Re: ES: 94+ Celica ST vs. GT

Subject: Re: ES: 94+ Celica ST vs. GT
From: Craig Blome <>
Date: Fri, 23 Apr 1999 12:12:46 -0700 (PDT)
--- wrote:
> Which would make a better ES car?  Lighter but less
> powerful with smaller
> wheels, or more powerful with wider wheels but 200+
> lbs heavier and less
> well balanced?

Beats me.  Maybe neither...Bill Kim did quite well
running a new Civic Si on street tires at our event
last Saturday.  

> Are the national standings for HS and ES for 97 & 98
> misleading because of
> differences in driver talent, or will these cars be
> equally competitive in
> ES?  

I don't think you can really say.  I like to toss out
the top one or two results when comparing cars, on the
assumption that the drivers are statistical outliers;
on that basis, the ST and GT look fairly close.  (of
course, they also ran different heats on different

> Or is the ST actually faster than the GT as the
> 97/98 standings
> suggest?

"The answer is left as an exercise for the student." 
(ooooh, I *hated* hearing my profs say that... :)

Craig Blome
Texas Spokes SCC, Austin, TX

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