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Re: Texas NT & the SO class

To: "Kelly, Katie" <>
Subject: Re: Texas NT & the SO class
From: Mark Sirota <>
Date: Thu, 15 Apr 1999 15:30:09 -0400
"Kelly, Katie" wrote:
> We're just letting MEN run in the Ladies class! Why is this so
> difficult?
> It's like some readers are trying to qualify the SO class.
> You can't do that. Why, really, even Gary Thomason, if he so desired,
> would be eligible for the SO class (I'm just calling it SO because we
> have yet to determine a better name). George Doganis, could, if he
> really wanted to, run in the SO class. Whoa, talk about upping the
> ante!

Maybe I'm missing the point just as much as everyone else, but I think
I have a solution that addresses everyone else's concerns and won't
bother Katie too much.

How about the only qualification for running in the SO class is that
someone must also be running the very same car in the corresponding
Open class?  Doesn't matter who's faster, who's more serious, who's
wearing a bra.  Just someone, anyone, must be in Open in order for
that car to run in SO.

I realize this doesn't quite mirror the way the Ladies classes work
today, but it does address most of the reasons why the Ladies classes
were created, and why they persist, as I understand them.

Of course, this proposal would completely screw up season championship
systems, so it's not perfect...


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