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Re: Neons- Quality

To: "Steve Hoult" <>, "Justin Hughes" <>,
Subject: Re: Neons- Quality
From: "Phil Ethier" <>
Date: Tue, 13 Apr 1999 20:40:29 -0500
From: Steve Hoult <>

>None of this has anything to do with why we are plagued with FWD cars
>It all boils down to MONEY. It's CHEAPER to design and build a FWD car.

Cheaper than a Chevette?  Hard to believe.

>Because of better packaging, you can also build a lighter, more fuel
>efficient car then you can with RWD and raise your CAFE (Corporate Average
>Fuel Economy).

It was not that many years ago that the mileage champ in the USA was the
Toyota Starlet, a RWD car.

If you sell bunches of econoboxes you'll raise your CAFE
>which in turn lets you sell more of the very profitable RWD luxo-barges and
>Pony Cars.

Or profitable FWD luxo-barges, of which there are also several.

For a streeter, I actually like FWD.  I was driving SAABs when they were
simple, cheap, tough machines in the late sixties (love that torquey little
Ford engine).  But I must admit I have become really spoiled now that I have
an AWD machine for the street.  And for autocross, a very light mid-engined
car is a lot of fun.  And a huge RWD wagon with bloody-primitive mechanicals
is handy, too.  So maybe I won't be getting a FWD car any time soon.

Phil Ethier    Saint Paul  Minnesota  USA
Lotus Europa, VW Quantum Syncro, Chev Suburban

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