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Re: Neons

To: Justin Hughes <>
Subject: Re: Neons
From: washburn <>
Date: Thu, 08 Apr 1999 20:10:22 -0500
Justin Hughes wrote:
> >I saw my car sitting sandwiched between a couple of other Neons in the
> >parking lot yesterday. <snip>
> I know the Neon is an excellent autocross performer, but do you ever get
> bored driving such a cookie cutter car? :)  Most of you have the R/T or ACR
> packages, but aside from the gawdawful optional stripes on the R/T, only
> someone who knows Neons quite well can eyeball one and distinguish it from
> the average grocery getter - and I admit that I'm not one who knows Neons
> that well.  The same can be said about the many Hondas out there as well -
> who but a Honda nut can tell the base model from an EX (or the new Si)?  Me,
> well, I'm lucky if I see one other 320i like mine in a week, and even that's
> rare... :)

Funny thing about perspectives....I think all BMW's look alike.  The Z3
notwithstanding, look at the family of Beeemers, they all intentionally
look very similar.  Just a different angle. :)
Patrick Washburn <>
Wausau, WI     Land of Cheese
95 DS Neon

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