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Re: Old Age

To: Jay Mitchell <>
Subject: Re: Old Age
From: "Charles R. Schultz" <>
Date: Wed, 07 Apr 1999 05:18:29 -0500
Don't feel too bad, I have CRS so bad it's my initials, if I remember
right. . . ;^)


Jay Mitchell wrote:
> You 30-something "old" folks have the following to look forward
> to:
> Having to take off your glasses to see what you're working on
> under the race car because, even though you're nearsighted,
> you're  rapidly becoming farsighted as well, then spending
> fifteen minutes looking for your f***ing glasses because you have
> CRS (Can't Remember Shit) and finally finding them because you
> stepped on them, then trying to put the lens you knocked out back
> in with your fingers covered with gearlube or brake fluid and
> then having to wipe them off with a shop rag so you can see well
> enough (barely) to wash your hands, which you've gotta do so you
> can get your glasses completely reassembled and clean again. 

Chuck Schultz/                   
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