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Re: Old Age

To: "Jay Mitchell" <>, <>
Subject: Re: Old Age
From: Dick Rasmussen <>
Date: Tue, 06 Apr 1999 18:59:02 -0400
At 10:50 AM 4/6/99 -0500, Jay Mitchell wrote:
>You 30-something "old" folks have the following to look forward
>Having to take off your glasses to see what you're working on
>under the race car because, even though you're nearsighted,
>you're  rapidly becoming farsighted as well, 

One reason I got a formula car was I was tired of having to do most of the
work on a car while laying on the garage floor looking up thru the wrong
part of my glasses. Most of the work on a formula car is in the range of
the right part of the glasses (unless the car is too hot to get that close
without being burned). I try to get under the car once or twice a year to
clean the underside of the floor and the dry sump :-)
Dick Rasmussen
CM 85
85 Van Diemen RF-85 Formula Ford

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