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Collected comments, questions & answers (long)

Subject: Collected comments, questions & answers (long)
From: "Darren P. Madams" <>
Date: Sat, 03 Apr 1999 18:46:42 -0800
Well, I'm on digest mode and getting 2 of those a day, so here's a bunch
of words for you to ignore on the various subjects and some legit
questions I'd like answered:

Course too fast, San Diego specifically:  As long as the braking point
was safe [and preferably followed by a left instead of a right] I don't
have a problem clipping 70mph [the intended limit however it's written
in the rules] as long as somebody gave it some careful consideration. 
At a national level event I have no doubt this happened, both by the
multiple event chairs & course designers as well as several inspections
by high level safety stewards as well as the national SCCA staff.  If it
was in fact dangerous, I'm sure someone would have noticed it.  In
general, the game we came to play is to not hold sweepers at 75 mph --
that's called road racing.  Let's try to keep those speeds down.

SP Reclassifications:  I only briefly looked at the proposal many months
ago and it didn't seem different enough to me.  Seems the area I would
like to see improved is the slower CSP cars and the faster DSP cars. 
Let's bump down the long wheel base Civics, Integras, Saturns, etc. etc.
and bump up the faster DSP cars like the X1/9 and the Capri's and the
fast VWs (which I don't know anything about) and leave CSP for the small
light nimble cars like the CRXs, Miatas and RXs while leaving DSP for
the old MGs, Yugo's and assorted cheap HSesque cars and have the
intermediate class for the poopular street cars that we're trying to
attract with Street Touring.  While we're at it, why not use this time
to eliminate Street Prepared as we know it and start over with really
Street Prepared cars (similar to street touring)?

18" tire allowing 17"s?  Anyone have an objection to this?  Does anyone
really think a new Vette or Porsche will be considerably better with
17"s.  I don't know, and if so then fine... if not, let's let 'em play
as Scotty says (sez).  I'm all for bringing out enthusist cars (like the
type r)

SoloVee proposal:  I'd vote for it, anything to bring out new cars!  I
do think Mark Sirota has a point though... not a nice one, but a point.


New Pro classes: any comments from anyone about how the arrangement is?
Anyone feel there's a mismatch in the mixed classes?

Pro Appearance Package:  I still haven't seen a good clear whole car
shot of the package, anyone got a good site with pix?

Karts:  Just read the fast-track about the class essentially being on
probation for participation at nationals... how many other kart drivers
are there out there?  What events are you planning on attending? 
Perhaps we can coordinate a big showing at nationals, please email me!

DSP:  I heard mentioned today that there are plenty of FWD cars to watch
out for in DSP... the only ones that sprung to mind are the VWs (which
as I said earlier I know nothing about) and the Omni (which I've never
seen run, but I've heard is good on paper).  Anyone have any insight on
this hidden beast?

200+ HP CSP Neon:  Whatever became of it?  Has anyone seen it run?  Was
it all hype or is this the next CSP car?  Speaking of Neon's, my brother
drove the new 2000 model (4 door, automatic only currently) and doesn't
see how they're ever gonna be competetive with the old ones -- is this
the end of Chrysler supporting autocross?  Or will the new ACR be
radically different?  Or will SCCA create a new class for them?

Civic setup:  I'm still looking for any information about the new Civics
and in particular, the new Si coupe.  My buddy just got his on Monday
and I think you ES guys better get worried.

That's all for now... feel free to reply privately if you think the list
will be bored... otherwise talk amongst yourselves, I'll see it a day
later :)

        --Darren "only a tenth behind my co-driver today" Madams

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