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Re: G-Force 18" availability.

To: "Kevin Stevens" <>,
Subject: Re: G-Force 18" availability.
From: "Scotty *BOB* White" <>
Date: Fri, 2 Apr 1999 10:25:15 -0800
  NO WAY MAN!!!! There is all kinds of 18" rubber available!! Who in the
hell do you think you are??!!? Get yer ass back in there and don't come out
till you got some 18" TARZ!!!!! BESIDES< WHo cares!? We don't need no
stinkin teknoligy! WE, The *SOLO OMNEPETENT* will tell the manufacturers
what to make and when! Cause We are the *SOLO OMNEPETENT*!!!

   (Mimicking all the whiny people who don't want Corvettes and Porsches to
have a chance at being competitive)

   sb (heard this too many F&*)%in times!!!) w

-----Original Message-----
From: Kevin Stevens <>
To: Team.Net <>
Date: Friday, April 02, 1999 10:09 AM
Subject: G-Force 18" availability.

>Most recent from RACEBFG is that they now have "no idea" when 18" tires
>be produced.  I was supposed to have called them on April 1, but decided
>*not* to try on April Fool's Day.
>Just thought I'd pass it along.

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