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Re: ProSolo Nationals Vs Pro Classes

To: Randy Chase <>
Subject: Re: ProSolo Nationals Vs Pro Classes
From: Brian M Kennedy <>
Date: Mon, 29 Mar 1999 14:09:41 -0600
Randy Chase wrote:

> Now, the new definitions of National Series and Pro series are
> different. I don't see the intent of the two series as the same as the
> previous Club and Open classes. Pro is for those who want to take the
> sport to the next level as far as appearance, potential payouts,
> prefessionalism. Nationals is for everyone else...regardless of ability.
> Yes?

Yes, that fits my understanding as an interested follower.

> I received a private e-mail questioning if certain people should even be
> allowed to run in the National Series (I am flattered to have been
> included in that group)...and I know there was some thought about Chiles
> on the east coast. Frankly, I wondered the same thing about if I should
> run in the Pro Series, but I don't see myself having the level of
> commitment as almost EVERYONE of those drivers. I don't even own an air
> tank, trailer...I aligned my car over a year ago...and I ran on Toyos
> because they were cheaper..I last tuned my car...uh...1996?. 8)
> I would like some feedback on this. Should there be some system that
> pushes the fastest drivers to Pro, or does that work in the new Pro
> philosophy (I think it doesn't).
> Perhaps the rule should be "if you trailer your stock in Pro"
> hehhe...

I think this misses the point -- its inconsistent with your paragraph above.
The Pro classes were reworked to give them more spectator appeal -- not to 
be all inclusive.  If you want to run the Pro classes, you must be willing
to select a car that is competitive in one of the six classes AND be willing
to do the appearance stuff -- all in addition to being a very good driver.
Those that prefer their current SoloII car or otherwise don't like the new
Pro classes can still particpate in the National classes.  That is undoubtedly
going to include some great drivers.  To exclude them would leave some with
no place to play -- that would be unfortunate.

> Frankly, the monetary incentive to run Pro is not there if I can finish
> 2nd in CS and be in the challenges, or finish "also ran" in P5 and be
> out of the Pro Challenges.
> Thoughts?????

This does go to an issue I've pondered.  Given the Pro classes should be
fairly densely packed with top drivers, shouldn't there be a lot more Challenge
spots for those classes relative to National classes?  If you doubled the number
of Challenge spots for the Pro classes, then it might not be that much harder to
get into the Challenge from the Pro classes than the National classes.  That 
make the Pro classes quite a bit more appealing to the top drivers.  And from
a spectating point of view, don't you want more of the top drivers in the 
Challenge?  Seems win-win as long as it doesn't overflow what you can fit into a
Sunday event.

Just a thought,


> Randy Chase (just found out that the New York Autoshow is the same time
> as the San Diego wondering if we will see the MR-Spyder
> and S2000)

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