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Re: Course design/speed limits II

To: "Mark J. Andy" <>
Subject: Re: Course design/speed limits II
From: washburn <>
Date: Fri, 26 Mar 1999 19:25:43 -0600
Mark J. Andy wrote:
> Howdy,
> On Fri, 26 Mar 1999, Scott & Glenda Meyers wrote:
> > My point is that we need to follow the rules as written, and stick to what
> > Solo 2 is currently defined as. To go too far outside those parameters 
> > us and our sport to unnecessary risk.
> Yes, please do.  One of the large attractions of Solo2 for me is the
> very small chance of destroying my car.  I _really_ like the fact that
> basically I can totally screw up, spin around, and (as long as I don't
> just keep my foot in it and panic or whatever) say "darn" and try it
> again.
> I'm not unfamilier with or scared of speed.  Up until '98 I raced
> motorcycles and was totally comfortable with the idea that the $10k
> motorcycle I was riding could be turned into a $10k paperweight if I (or
> someone else) messed up.  I'm distinctly NOT looking for that from autox,
> thank you very much.
> I'll also share something else.  Most every autox course I've run in my DS
> neon, where I very rarely get outta 2nd gear, is _way_ more intense than
> roadracing bikes ever used to be.  Speed, in and of itself, is boring.
> Any moron can hold the pedal down.  What's fun, for me, is to find the
> limit in the bendies.  Autox gives me a way to do that and still keep the
> speed down so that it doesn't cost me money if I screw up.
> MHO, but unlike normal it appears the SCCA agrees with me on this on

No way, I don't believe really say "darn" when you
spin??? :0
Patrick Washburn <>
Wausau, WI     Land of Cheese
95 DS Neon

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