For your information the following news release was sent to SportsCar, Pylon
and Grassroots Motorsports today.
Solo Vee Owners Association (SVOA) Formed
The Solo Vee owners that compete in the SCCA's F Modified class have announced
the formation of the Solo Vee Owners Association (SVOA). The purpose of the
new group is to promote the growth of Solo Vee race cars within the class, and
ultimately to develop sufficient competitors to justify the creation of an
SCCA Solo ll class.
A board of officers has been elected with Ricardo Gonzales, a long time Solo
Vee competitor, as President. According to Gonzales, the SVOA will act as a
focal point for contact with the SCCA Solo Events Board. They will provide
technical information to current and prospective owners, as well as assistance
in locating Formula Vees for conversion to Solo Vee specifications, and
identification of parts sources and engine builders.
The SVOA is open to current and prospective Solo Vee owners and drivers. Those
interested in membership can contact the Association through the SVOA
Treasurer Norm Dively, 5287 Birchcrest, Swartz Creek, MI 48473, phone
810/635-9319, or email A web site is available at
The SVOA Officers are:
President Ricardo Gonzales,
Vice President Chuck Buysse,
Secretary Jesse Wills, djwills
Treasurer Norm Dively,
Director Rudy Bahnsen,
An email list server is also available: To subscribe to the SVOA list server,
send the following email message "subscribe solo-vee" in the body (not the
subject line) of an email message sent to: