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Re: Clorox for your tires?

To: "D. Barry Stubbs" <>
Subject: Re: Clorox for your tires?
From: John Lieberman <>
Date: Wed, 24 Mar 1999 18:09:27 -0800
Back in my drag racing days in the '60s, we used to use bleach.  Now
there are all sorts of instant traction compounds like Track Claw. 
For autocross purposes, however, I'd say stick with Formula V.  OK,
Rocky, there's your lead.  Jump on it!!!

John (Old Fartz & TLS #37) Lieberman

"D. Barry Stubbs" wrote:
> Got a wierd question.  Buddy of mine said something about putting Clorox
> on your tires to soften them up - the Clorox eats a little from the
> tread.  Anyone ever heard of such a thing?  Is this even legal?  I was
> considering trying this on these old street tires I'm still burning off.
> --
> D. Barry Stubbs                          
> (912) 745-9429                                     AOL IM: thez24man
>                               ICQ #5409648
> #101GS Atlanta Region SoloII                       88 2.8 5Spd White Z24

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