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Re: SP rules and ESP Clarification

Subject: Re: SP rules and ESP Clarification
From: Alek Tziortzis <>
Date: Tue, 23 Mar 1999 15:07:40 -0600
The reason the 3rd gen and 4th gen camaros/firechickens (fbodies) are
close in autox is really one factor:

you can get about -1.7  degrees of negative camber on your average 3rd
gen car (each side).

you can only get about -.5 to about -.7 degrees on a 4th gen car. 

so a 3rd gen will win in sweepers, a 4th gen will win on the straight. A
course that
has an even mix of both, either car will win. On large sweeper courses
(like the 1998 south course)
the 3rd gen should beat the 4th gens. On the faster north course, I
think the 4th gen had the advantage.

give the 4th gen another degree of negative camber, and it will beat the
3rd gens consistently.

Alex Tziortzis
1998 Z28 1LE
F-stock (for now). 

Alex Tziortzis 
Senior Engineer
Wireless Access Technology Research
Motorola Labs

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