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Re: New car classifications

To: "Mark J. Andy" <>,
Subject: Re: New car classifications
From: "Eric Linnhoff" <>
Date: Thu, 18 Mar 1999 22:48:34 -0800
>Btw, totally different topic, the folks at Chrysler oughta look at why I
>bought the car I did.
>First, rented a couple neons and they didn't suck too bad even though they
>were base models and autos.
Same with me.  I got to rent two different Neons while my old piece, a
Hyundai Elantra, was in the shop.  Those few days sold me, but good!

>Second, had seen some neon challenge stuff on tv and heard the blurb about
>how it was an ACR and you can do this to!
Kinda the same thing with me but I'd already run about 5-6 autocross events
in the prior two years with the Hyundai (didn't do too good but had a blast
none the less squealing, screeching, understeering like crazy and generally
just abusing that poor Hyundai) and when the time came to buy a new car I
thought I'd do a little research and find a car that I could afford AND was
a decent autocross car.  Enter Neon.

>Third, test drove the ACR to see if I liked it.  It was a ton better
>handling/braking/feel wise than the base model, but otherwise looked the
>same.  I could get it with the comfort options I wanted but without dorky
>(sorry eric) stripes or electronic things or whatever.
>Bought the ACR.
Had I waited another month before buying my new car, and used the knowledge
gained in that month, I would have purchased the ACR that was right next to
the R/T I ended up buying.  At the time I was comparing the two car's window
stickers and couldn't figure out why the basically stripped ACR (only I
didn't know what an ACR was at the time but noticed that it did have a
"competition" suspension) was stickered almost $1000 higher than the fancy
schmancy R/T (with the stripes  :^P )
right next to it.

>If the ACR wasn't there, I woulda been stuck with the dorky looking (sorry
>Eric) R/T only, or bought a different small car (cavalier, escort, etc.)
>in that price range.  Wouldn't have bought a japanese import 'cause I'm an
>american car bigot somewhat and they all cost $4k more 'cause they're made
>in a different country.  Might have bought a different import if I
>couldn't get something the same for the same price that was american made.
hey, Hey, HEY!!!  Enough with the dorky bit.  You're gonna hurt my car's
feelings.   ;^)  Of course on the autocross courses I have to try really
hard to catch all those non-striped Neons.  But I'm gonna give it my best
shot and make them work hard to earn their wins.  BTW, I found out why the
ACR was more expensive.  It's spelled K-O-N-I and I've already made up the
price difference by installing my own set of Konis.

I had already (after renting the Neons) test driven the Saturns, ZX2s,
Civics, Cavaliers and Nissans in the same price range and they weren't even
close to being as fun to drive.  So I bought the Neon and haven't regretted
it once.


See you on course.

Eric Linnhoff in KC
#69DS    TLS #13
'98 Neon R/T

You jump in front of my car  When you know all the time
That 90 miles an hour  Girl  Is the speed I drive
You tell me it's all right  You don't mind a little pain
You say you just want me to take you for a drive
"Crosstown Traffic"  as recorded by Jimi Hendrix

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