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Re: Todays Trivial Tour Tips

To: Glenn Duensing <>
Subject: Re: Todays Trivial Tour Tips
From: Randy Chase <>
Date: Wed, 17 Mar 1999 23:28:22 -0800
Ahhh..the trash bags. This has become one of those memories, like those
war veterans might share years after, recalling the horrors...and

I have no rain gear. I live in San Diego. I didn't even have trash bags.
On my runs, I had my windows rolled down when I hit the main river. A
wave of muddy water came in my car and totally soaked me. The hand
depression in the door was filled to the brim with water.

I remember standing *near* a tarp (rain was kinda horizontal) and being
fully soaked and freezing and thinking about my choice of hobbies.
Seriously. it type this, the local news if forecasting rain ALL Weekend. 

Randy Chase (have trash bags, will autocross)
'91 MR2 CS

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