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Re: Extended Repair Insurance - PT Barnum :-)

To: "Eric Linnhoff" <>, <>
Subject: Re: Extended Repair Insurance - PT Barnum :-)
From: (Jim & Marilyn Rohn)
Date: Wed, 17 Mar 1999 21:46:29 -0700 (MST)
At 11:30 AM 3/17/99, Eric Linnhoff wrote:


>Six year later when I bought my 1998 Neon I also bought a six year
>100,000 mile bumper-to-bumer warranty from the dealership but this time
>at a cost of just over $2000!!!!

wait a minute ... isn't this the same guy that thought "it sucked ..." if
you *DIDN'T" own a Neon?????

Let's see if I get what he's saying here:

we're all supposed to drive a fwd **** box **AND** pay $2000 MORE to make
sure the thing lasts as long as the payments? (not to mention the bumper to
bumer part, sounds about right though :-)

PT Barnum said it best ....

PS: I liked the Miata response best

don't forget the :-) part


Jim Rohn
Beater Racing
rwd only, sorry no awd either

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