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Re: Interesting Meridian Tour Results

To: "''" <>
Subject: Re: Interesting Meridian Tour Results
From: Engstrom <>
Date: Wed, 3 Mar 1999 22:36:19 -0600
> Bingo!!  
>     4th heat, which had SS and CSP, had a big downpour of rain, it was dry
> right up until GS (also in this heat) started running.  You had to do it on
> your first run or you were screwed.
> Erik of the screwed


At least you had a nice low number.  Poor Roger Johnson with his #99 really
had bad conditions on his first run.  Of course I had a low number too - #19
so I'll have to come up with another excuse.  Hmm, and while I'm at it I'll need
an excuse for my cone-itis on a clear and warm Sunday.  Hey, you're a doctor,
can't you prescribe anything for me to clear up my cone-itis? ;^P

John "No, not that one - despite the fact that the results incorrectly listed me
in CENDIV" Engstrom

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