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Re: Interesting Meridian Tour Results

To: "Burns, James B." <>,
Subject: Re: Interesting Meridian Tour Results
From: Stan Whitney <>
Date: Wed, 03 Mar 1999 09:42:03 -0600
There was significant rain during some heats on saturday, notably 4th heat,
which ran in a downpour, plus damp conditions and sprinkles off and on
throughout the day.  ESp ran relativley early, in damp, but not wet
surfaces, CSP, GS, and maybe SS got soaked (BS too I think)  

Sunday's times are more representative, as it was clear and dry.    The
course also favored horsepower, with fast offsets and long chutes (3rd gear
in many cars, over 8000rpm in 2nd mine - around 65mph) so that has some
bearing as well.

Stan Whitney

At 09:05 AM 3/3/99 -0500, Burns, James B. wrote:
>Checking out the Meridian NT results, I noticed some strange things, such as
>AS was significantly faster than SS.  And ESP was faster than CSP which was
>faster than ASP.  Was this due to rain during some of the heats?
>Brad Burns

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