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B Stock Rocked in Mississippi

Subject: B Stock Rocked in Mississippi
From: "Kelly, Katie" <>
Date: Tue, 2 Mar 1999 12:51:52 -0800
Of course, you can expect a FULL report in an upcoming issue of North
American Pylon (call 1-800-KT-KELLY), but I would just like give my
heart felt thanks to Steve Volpp, John Thomas, Holly ??, and everyone
who went to the Meridian National Tour to make it the splendid event it
was. I've been autocrossing for some 13 years (started when I was ten),
and I can honestly say that this National Tour was the best Tour I have
ever attended in my entire life.

Now, if only I had known that if I had only DRIVEN Lucy all the way from
San Rafael, CA to Meridian, MS, I would have won a Peavey electric
guitar. Next year, I guess. :)

Anyway, Sandy Pessoney, from Austin, TX, let me drive "the Champ," her
bitchin' '99 Miata Sport. That was an awfully nice thing for her to do,
and boy is that a fun car! Don't tell Lucy I said that, though.

We both thought it would be fun to run in the "boys class," so that's
what we did. We figured we'd be in a much better position to flirt. If
the weather had been warmer, we were going to wear skimpy outfits to
help mess with all boys' minds, under the philosophy of "chauvanism is
okay when it works in your favor."

Unfortunately, or fortunately, depending on how you look at it, B Stock
was filled with the nicest, most classy guys a gal could ever hope to
race with. Good sports, every single one of them. Sandy and I both were
impressed with our immediate acceptance (we never wore the outfits, nor
did we even TELL anyone about our plan, so I know that's not it), and I
can only hope that other women running in Open can have the same sort of
experience. No one ever said, "Why aren't you running Ladies." Everyone
was all, "Great! Welcome aboard!" 

Anyway, I've got to go, but lots of stuff happened in Meridian and I
can't wait to write it all down. It'll be in an upcoming issue of NAP.
If you have any anecdotes you like to share with me about your Meridian
experience, drop me a line! I can't promise to use every little story I
get, but I'll certainly try to give it a go!

Katie Kelly
Technical Publications
SPSS Bay Area
Guilt slows your metabolism.


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