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Re: Braking technique

To: Jeff@Winchell.Com,
Subject: Re: Braking technique
From: "Jeffrey Lloyd" <>
Date: Mon, 01 Mar 1999 11:16:30 PST
My antilock,

Bosch (circa 1996) system will only lock the wheels for a small bit and 
then jet go and even out  I can steer with ABS engaged but not as well 
as Light braking, I only know the brakes lock up because after panic 
stops (Autox with stop boxes) their are silver dollar sized rub spots on 
my r-1's but very few.. (Not flat spots, barely visiable indents)

>> Assuming that you are driving an ABS equipped car on course in a 
>> line at 50mph or so approaching a very tight hairpin, what is the 
>> braking technique to slow the car down before entering the corner: 
(1) Hit
>> the brake pedal as hard as you can thereby engaging the ABS and 
>> your tires to emit little puffs of smoke as they skid 1 foot at a 
>> between ABS pulses
>I thought ABS was supposed to make locking up impossible? Or does 
>it depend on the particular system/car, or perhaps it only prevents 
>lockups in certain situations, which don't include your scenario.

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