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RE: Rollbars and Weiners

To:, "'Bret'" <>
Subject: RE: Rollbars and Weiners
From: "Ayer, John K" <>
Date: Fri, 26 Feb 1999 14:58:33 -0800
Well you'd think Common Sense has got to kick in eventually, to whit: "if it's 
allowed, then it's allowed to mount it".   Almost as simple as "if the factory 
put it in, then that's where it goes".  
Butt with as many Lawyers (or "Coulda Ben's" :) that own Miatas, it may take 
awhile longer in BS :)
And it'll be more impressive if the sticker says "Canadian Jumbo".

Kimball Ayer
DSP #19 Fiat X1/9
(roll bar? Not EVEN possible)

> ----------
> From:         Bret Dodson[]
> Sent:         Friday, February 26, 1999 1:30 PM
> To:
> Cc:
> Subject:      Rollbars and Weiners
> Okay, So I've been deleting Weenie Protest related posts like a madman for 
> the past day and a half.  But, all of this weiner talk has frightened me,
> a seasoned (half-baked) competitor.  (NW list folks trust me that
> has been flushing itself with this topic lately)
> I've got this roll bar that I'm going to install in my Miata.  Is it
> legal?  I'll have to drill a few holes in the car to install it.  Though
> not that many as a few of the mounting points mount at factory supplied
> holes/bolt points.
> It's a 4 point bar and is Solo 1 legal (the reason I bought it).  My
> understanding is that it's legal.  At least they were a couple years ago
> when a buddy and I installed the same kind of bar in his car.
> Am I setting myself up for protest?  What if I put an "Oscar Meyer"
> sticker on the bar?
> Bret Dodson
> '96 Miata R soon to go under the knife for Hard Dog install
> Seattle, WA (not raining right now!)

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