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SP Changes

Subject: SP Changes
From: Tom Ellam <>
Date: Fri, 19 Feb 1999 8:09:00

I'm on the digest, so pardon the slow response to this thread.  I wasn't
on the list last fall after Nationals, but I did hear about and appreciate
some of the thoughtful and supportive comments made.  Being at the center
of the protest and appeal after winning CSP in the RX-3 is not something
I would recommend.  Definitely stressful. Unfortunately, the rules clarific=
n has been delayed too long (I haven't seen Fastrack yet) but from the
recent posts, it may still be vague enough to allow challenges or confusion=
 I'll reserve comment until my Fastrack arrives.  The real problem is
that there is very little time before the Natl. Tour in San Diego - only
4 weeks.  Not enough time to evaluate changes, buy or make parts, install
and test.  Looks like I may be running with 75lbs of liquid ballast this

Tom Ellam =

Mazda RX-3 (back on the left coast)


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