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Re: Speed-bleeders stock legal?

To: Autox List <>
Subject: Re: Speed-bleeders stock legal?
From: Cliff Loh <>
Date: Thu, 11 Feb 1999 14:39:26 -0800
"Robert M. Pickrell Jr." <>

>Speed bleeders are not stock, I think we all agree with that definition.
>So therefore they are not legal. 

Agreed, but neither are alternate shift knobs, steering wheels
(pre-1990 vehicles).  I would guess that those items are more of a
performance advantage than a speed bleeder.

>The SEB must rule on this.

Yes, either a ruling or a clarification.  However, if they rule speed
bleeders illegal, then they would also need to disallow the use of
vacuum assisted brake bleeding tools such as the kind made by Mity-Vac
since the two devices allow a single person to perform the same
function.  Would they then also disallow the function of having a
co-driver help you bleed brakes since that is an advantage over
someone having to bleed brakes by himself?

For a rule to be applied fairly, it must apply to a) all cars in the
category, and/or b) all methods of achieving/performing the function
under consideration.

Here's something to think about.  A potentially parallel concept
(getting very nit-picky too).  Is a speed bleeder to brakes similar to
a tire valve to tires?  Both allow the competitor to adjust vehicle
performance between runs/heats.  There's no rule saying tire pressures
may/may not be adjusted between runs and IMHO, there shouldn't be
one.  Same goes for bleeding brakes, regardless of method used.

Cliff Loh, Vancouver, B.C. CANADA
"I started out with nothing 
& still have most of it left.", h:604.597.6784 c:604.202.8724

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