I forgot to add that I would not protest over this, but the question
origninated as, Is it legal? I have always found I spend more time jacking up
the vehicle supporting on jack stands taking off the wheels, then bleeding
brakes. Of course I have one of those image awareness feamle co-drivers who
is very helpful and depresses the brake pedal for me. Then again I used to
worry about this all the time, and now I bleed the brakes 2 - 3 times a year.
Big deal.
Bill Ozinga wrote:
> brnrubr@midusa.net said
> >Speed bleeders are not stock, I think we all agree with that definition.
> >So therefore they are not legal. Now the competitor must prove they are
> >a convenience item.
> I would offer to have a brake bleeding contest with the competitor that
> protested you, show him just how "convenient" they are. With the PC
> watching to make a decision, of course.
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