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Re: "Toothless?"

Subject: Re: "Toothless?"
From: Jack Hilton III <>
Date: Wed, 10 Feb 1999 14:26:55 -0500


You all know that we are getting a new Zoo for Atlanta , right ?

They're going to fence in Alabama . 


At 10:03 AM 2/10/1999 -0800, you wrote:
>"Oh, and if see two toothless goobers carrying shotguns and talking about
>squealing like a pig, you might consider running for your life....the gator
>tails be damned.  :-)
>Mark Sipe's evil genetic twin"
>Mark!!!  Or should I say "Mark's Twin"!!! -- You live in 'Bama and you make
>jokes like THAT????  Everybody in Florida knows that the "toothbrush" was
>invented in Alabama, cause if it had been invented anywheres else, they'd
>have called it a "TEETHbrush"!!!!
>Sounds like the "Cloning in the Basement for Fun and Profit" experiment
>went verrrrry badly.  You oughta ask 'em for your $12.95 back at WalMart.
>JD Kemp &
>"Lucretia MacEvil" #13 MGB


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