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Re: offset question

To: Eric Linnhoff <>, Net <>
Subject: Re: offset question
From: "Robert M. Pickrell Jr." <>
Date: Thu, 04 Feb 1999 10:56:46 -0800
My guess would be NO. A protest committee it going to act on what the
manufacturer says the offset should be. This allows for manubfacturing variance
you refer to, but would not allow the extension you refer to. This would allow
someone to modifiy thier wheels and state that is the way they came from the

One of two things would have to happen in your example. 1. You would have to
parts that (A) meet the manufacturers specifications or (B) fall with in any
allowance like wheel offset. 2. The manufacturer would have to issue a bulletin
that the parts or the published spec was incorrect and what the correct spec is.


Eric Linnhoff wrote:

> Howdy y'all.  I'm really happy that the overgrown rat known as Punxatawnie
> Phil didn't see his shadow.  Maybe the race season will start sooner.
> Question:  My Neon wheels are "supposed" to have an offset of 40mm which
> would make any wheel with offsets ranging from 46.35mm to 33.65mm legal for
> Stock Class Neons.
> But, often a manufactured part will vary somewhat dimensionally from the
> blueprints to teh finished product.  What if my R/T wheels actually have a
> manufactured offset of 39mm and not the "spec'd" (according to what
> reference please?) 40mm?  Would then 33mm offset wheels be legal since they
> are within the allowed +-6.35mm offset limits of the 39mm offset factory R/T
> wheels?
> Hope this makes sense.
> See you on course.
> Eric Linnhoff in KC
> #69DS    TLS #13
> '98 Neon R/T
> <>
> Take a ton of bolt and steel
> A whole lotta sweat, a set of wheels.....On the Speedway.
> The flag is down, pistons pound
> Plenty of engines ripping around......On the Speedway.
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
> "Speedway" by Elvis Presley

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