Multiple throttle bodies are best for throttle response, but will give up a
little peak power to a plenum w/single throttle body. This assumes all
things optimized for each condition. You can get the best of both with
individual runners and throttles all drawing from a common cold air plenum.
At 04:41 PM 1/5/99 -0600, Mark Todd wrote:
>Hey y'all,
>Can anyone enlighten me as to theoretical and/or real-world
>benefits of using multiple runners and throttle bodies instead
>of the usual single body and tank for a fuel-injected system?
>Obviously, the world's best engines are set up this way, but
>what's it worth? And what do the world's best turbo motors
>Are there any books with something to say about this?
>Thanks (reeling from this winter's 3rd day of near-freezing temperatures)
>Mark Todd
># 323 CSP Solo2
>Delta Region SCCA