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Re: Wally Swift

To: Eric Gibeaut <>
Subject: Re: Wally Swift
From: sosnaenergyconsulting <>
Date: Sun, 30 Jan 2005 20:17:17 -0800
Hi Eric:
I read about Wally's car and regretted that as a left-coaster, I never 
got a chance to see it.  Congratulations on acquiring the car and the 
best of luck to you in your autocross endeavors!
And if it's still on the car, and if you happen to feel like taking a 
few snaps of the famous 'hose clamped sway bar setup' I'd be very 
interested to see how the ends of the bars were dealt with--as well as 
the clamps themselves :-)
Best Regards
David Sosna

Eric Gibeaut wrote:

>I just read Larry Paulick's note referring to Wally Swift and his Alpine.  I
>am fortunate to have become the "next caretaker" of Wally's Alpine and I
>would love to hear from anyone with personal stories or photos about Wally
>and his Alpine.  His son Jack has given me much information as have several
>members of TE/AE.  I am going to keep the car just as Wally left it and
>attempt to replicate his autocross skills (we'll just see about that!) at
>various events.  Thank-you. Eric Gibeaut.

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