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Cleaning the Underside

To: <>
Subject: Cleaning the Underside
From: "Bill Blue" <>
Date: Sat, 4 Oct 2003 15:04:20 -0500
I mounted the body on the rotisserie (made of scrap lumber) and hosed it off
with garden hose going through a booster pump.  This was able to knock off the
loose stuff and let me see what I have to work with.  Things look pretty good.
No rust out, some undercoating is gone, as well as some of the paint.  There
is some surface rust, nothing bad.  This is really a nice body.  The question
is where, should I go from here?  Degrease, paint and re-undercoat?  If so,
what would you use?  Would a high pressure washer be of benefit, if so, how
much pressure should I have?  I have never done any of this before and am open
to any and all suggestions, although I really see no point in dipping or


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