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Show @ Shine

To: <>
Subject: Show @ Shine
From: "Steven Graham" <>
Date: Tue, 26 Nov 2002 14:31:37 +1000
Hi All,

At our recent State AGM down here in Aussie there was some discussion
regarding judging at Show @ Shines as well as at National Meetings. The main
thread was the large amount of time required by the Judges for each car. One
suggestion was that if a car received say 15 points penalty due to, for
example,  wrong exhaust and a couple of other defects, the following year the
owner would only be required to fix the noted defects/mods and the judges
would only have to check those recorded defects saving considerable time.

The other main thread was that some of our interstate cousins are more
particular than others with authenticity, one couple were quite cut when a
very expensive restoration received a demerit for not having the right clips
on the thermostat bypass hose. A guy at our meeting pointed out that the local
MG club has both origional and modified classes at their meets and the number
of cars in the modified far exceeds the origional and good origional cars
enter both events and receive awards for both.

Any constructive responses will be submitted to our next newsletter for

Happy Xmas (and wishing for rain for all our farmers)

Steven Graham

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