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Re: Argh!!!!!!!!

To: "jumpinjan" <>, "Ryan Lee" <>
Subject: Re: Argh!!!!!!!!
From: "Tony Cornett" <>
Date: Sat, 24 Aug 2002 20:09:06 -0700
I have plenty of time and mechanical ability and two v-6 Fords and two
5-speed trans. I do not have any 1725's or Alpine trans. I if I did I would
still do the v--6. British autos have great designs but poor electrical and
drive trains. I drive everything that I build many miles at freeway speeds.
I do not abuse the engines or transmissions. Of all the British autos that I
have none would stand up to the heavy miles without major problems. Thanks
for the help. TC
----- Original Message -----
From: "jumpinjan" <>
To: "Ryan Lee" <>
Cc: <>
Sent: Saturday, August 24, 2002 9:35 PM
Subject: Re: Argh!!!!!!!!

> Ryan,
> If you want the cheapest and most straight forward route, rebuild the
> 1725. I will probably cost close to $1500-$1900 in parts and services.
> To do a V6 conversion will cost a lot more and will take much more time.
> If you want a V6, I can direct you to the person with the parts and
> info.
> good luck,
> jan
> --
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