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Re: The big question

To: Victor Hughes <>
Subject: Re: The big question
From: Jeff Howarth <>
Date: Thu, 7 Feb 2002 12:27:20 +0000
Why do Americans have Left Hand Drive?

That one obvious....

If the didn't, just think how many drive-through's they would have to


Mind you with the Alpine you could have the best of both worlds, fit
another steering box instead of the idler ! - Herbeam did you ever get
that far ?

My understanding is that passing on the left side may have originated
from Jousting on horseback - slight disadvantage for a left handed
The Napoleon influence for going on the right was not only because the
English wen on the left but also because he was left handed.

There are arguments for and against driving on the left or right but the
best alternative I heard was that the Greeks solution is to drive in the

Jeff - driving on the left (unless its sunny)

In message <>, Victor Hughes
<> writes
>Gee, and I always thought the big question was why Americans had left
>hand drive...
>chuck nicodemus wrote:
>> Why do the British have right hand drive?
>> chuck

Jeff Howarth

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