What a find. And it is a "Sunbeam" appliance. Are these not available in stores?
My Chrysler 300M has them built in the seat and back leather, and they
sure are nice on a cold morning (49 degrees) after sitting out all
night. Turn it on high for instant gratification and low for cozy
bottoms. Works faster than heating up all that water to get some hot air.
Kevin McLemore wrote:
> OK,guys (and gals!)...
> Now, I don't post here very often - in fact I'm a consummate lurker - but
> this time I simply MUST intervene. All this talk about ripping your dash
> apart and sealing the un-sealable to in order to improve that wheezy old
> heater... sigh... well, y'all have really surprised me. I mean, you have
> your gawd-awful priced Books of Norman and access to all the Bunseam
> information on the face of the earth, yet every one of you has overlooked
> the *official* Sunbeam factory option... tisk, tisk.. (wagging finger):
> I expect to see bids on this to soon overtake those of the Cigar Lighter.
> Kevin McLemore
> (from in Ambler, Pennsylvania, with tongue firmly in cheek)
> 1967 Sunbeam Alpine V / 1949 Triumph Renown TDB/2000
> B395015623
> _________________________________________________________________
Steve Laifman