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Re: International Money Orders

Subject: Re: International Money Orders
Date: Tue, 7 Aug 2001 12:13:53 EDT
In a message dated 8/7/01 12:26:04 AM Pacific Daylight Time, 

<< I thought I would share my experience with getting a money order in a 
foreign currency.  It is quite easy.  Just go to your local post office (USA) 
and ask for an international money order.  The fee is $8.50 (much better than 
the $15 my bank was charging.) and they can be issued for up to $700.  The 
post office will give you a receipt and you mail it to an address in 
St.Louis.  They will mail the money order directly to the person in the 
foreign country.  The catch is that is takes 4-6 weeks according the the 
form!!  (We shall see if this is true.) 

Another alternative might be, if available in your area, a Thomas Cook 
Currency Exchange.  As of three years ago (before Tom became the first SAOC 
member to act as a U.S. membership clearinghouse) they were also charging 
about $8-9 for int'l money orders, with no wait.

Dick Sanders

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