Well... Steve's race car arrived safely today for the big event. It
arrived in a 58' fully enclosed car transporter, so we had to have it
unloaded in town because there would be no place for him to turn around
at the house. This meant I HAD to drive the race car 2 miles to the
house! It just goes to show that you'd better be careful what you wish
for... you might just get it! I never dreamt I would one day get the
opportunity to drive that car. What an amazing find! Steve sure is a
lucky dog for finding that thing in such good original shape. It's
simply dripping with history and I could really feel it as I drove it
though town. I must admit, I stopped traffic. I'm also lucky I didn't
get arrested. It's LOUD! If you are thinking about coming to the
Invasion and have not yet decided... Please make the effort to come.
We've worked very hard to gather some unique Rootes vehicles and I know
there will be many list people attending. This will be a good chance to
meet the guys on the other end of the line and have a face to match up
to the name. There will be good food, good prizes, and great people to
ensure a fun weekend for all in Tipp City, Ohio. See ya there ! - Ian
Ian Spencer wrote:
> Steve and list,
> The Sports Car Fourm Series IV race car arrived in Dayton today for the
> Invasion! The driver called last night while I was away, but we have
> made arrangements to off load the car this morning. Jan and I are
> getting ready to go and meet him now. Steve... I'll write with a report
> after I get back. - Ian
> --
> Ian Spencer <www.sunbeamalpine.org>
> '61 Series II Alpine B9104704 LRX
> '61 Harrington Alpine B9104782 OD HRO
> '62 Harrington Le Mans BH9115930 OD LRX
> '62 Harrington Le Mans BH9116754 OD LRX
> '62 Harrington Le Mans BH9117497 OD LRX
> '64 Series IV Automatic B9401426 BW LRX
> '67 Series V Alpine B395016967 LRX
Ian Spencer <www.sunbeamalpine.org>
'61 Series II Alpine B9104704 LRX
'61 Harrington Alpine B9104782 OD HRO
'62 Harrington Le Mans BH9115930 OD LRX
'62 Harrington Le Mans BH9116754 OD LRX
'62 Harrington Le Mans BH9117497 OD LRX
'64 Series IV Automatic B9401426 BW LRX
'67 Series V Alpine B395016967 LRX