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Re: On bumper brackets and jaws

Subject: Re: On bumper brackets and jaws
From: Ron Tebo <>
Date: Wed, 17 May 2000 06:29:20 -0600 wrote:

> I've got a big jaw.  And, for good or bad, I'm willing to stick it out to
> be hit from time to time.  A couple people have told me that the bumper
> brackets are not the same front and back, only the bumpers.  All I know is
> from observation.  I have the bumpers and bumper brackets from two SV's,
> and one SIV.  Try as I might, I sure as heck couldn't see a difference
> between them, except the angle for driver side/passenger side I mentioned.
> I'll look again though.
> Jay


Pull your jaw in and check your parts list. There are different part numbers
for right and left front brackets and a third part number for rear brackets.
There are also two types of the spacer tubes  you were talking about ("
distance pieces").

Ron Tebo

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