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[6pack] Frozen engine

To: <6pack@autox.team.net>
Subject: [6pack] Frozen engine
From: "Robert N. Clark" <rclark@robertsonclark.com>
Date: Tue, 28 Aug 2007 09:26:15 -0700

Tucked away in the corner of my garage is a complete engine I acquired
as part of the purchase of my '69.  You know the deal, buy this car and
take all the rest of the crap (some good, mostly bad) that the seller
ever acquired that might or might not go with it.  This engine came out
of a '72 parts car.  I assume the engine ran until the car abruptly
stopped in a collision.  No damage to engine.  I have no idea how long
it sat but there is still oil in the sump.  The intake and exhaust ports
were left exposed but under cover (it was in Arizona so it was a dry
heat).  My question is, can it be salvaged?

Bob Clark
'69 TR6

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