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Re: Emmisions equipment removal

To: Ed Conn <edconn@cableone.net>
Subject: Re: Emmisions equipment removal
From: "Robert M. Lang" <lang@isis.mit.edu>
Date: Tue, 21 Nov 2006 07:45:43 -0500 (EST)
On Mon, 20 Nov 2006, Ed Conn wrote:

> I have a '76 TR6 which has had all the emissions controls removed from the
> engine.  Since I live in Idaho, there doesn't seem to be much of a concern but
> it does cause the oil to leak around the valve cover and particularly arond
> the oil filler cap...presumably because of the pressure it builds up.  Does
> anyone have any ideas on how to stop this other than re-install the emission
> controls?

Install a PCV system.

Easiest (and less than optimal) would be to just vent the valve cover to
the atmosphere. But the car will always smell oily. More than it should
smell, that is.

The correct routing would be CV hose from valve cover to a PCV valve and
then (min) connect to the carb bodies - there should be a big nipple on
each carb. downstream from the throttle plates. When the car is set up
with the evap. emmissions stuff, that same hose connects to the carbon

I put a PCV system on my race car which is a hose to a PCV valve (generic
1/2" nipples on both ends) to a catch can that has a filter (to keep the
bugs out). The catch can is then hooked to the intake manifold via a 1/2"
hose and a nipple on the manifold. You need that vaccuum source to keep
the leaks down. Without a vac. source, you can build pressure and marginal
seals will leak.

If you don't vent the block, the motor will puke oil EVERYWHERE. Even if
you have good compression.
> Ed

Bob Lang              Room N42-140Q            |  This space for rent
Consultant            MIT unix-linux-help      |
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