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RE: Engine issues

To: "'Robert M. Lang'" <lang@isis.mit.edu>
Subject: RE: Engine issues
From: "R. Ashford Little II" <70TR6@mindspring.com>
Date: Thu, 5 Oct 2006 16:16:08 -0400
Thanks for your reply Bob,


The head gasket should be ok.  When I first put the head on I used one of
Morty's copper gaskets.  I had bad luck with that.  It may be been due to
the fact that the top of the block had not been resurfaced.  Anyway, I then
switched to a Payen gasket and it seems to be doing fine, although without a
leak down test I certainly can't tell for sure.


The plug wires are almost brand new Magnacore wires.  The plugs have been
changed regularly, and during my latest voyage.  


I see to recall when I had the head off that there was a marking on the
pistons that indicated that they were original.  Or the "engine rebuild" did
not include new pistons.


At this point I am pretty confident that if I were to disassemble things and
take a look at the rings that I'd find something amiss.


Then again maybe not.


R. Ashford Little II

'70 TR6, 73.5 911

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