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Re: Dashboard

To: 6pack@autox.team.net
Subject: Re: Dashboard
From: tr6taylor@webtv.net (Sally or Dick Taylor)
Date: Tue, 25 Apr 2006 11:21:59 -0700
 Rick---If you don't mind giving up the location of the Emergency
Flasher, this is a handy spot for the boost gauge. The two holes where
the Hazard lettering are provides the spot for the VDO (threaded) posts
can go thru. The hole where the pull knob is is just right for the
vacuum/pressure hose and wiring for the gauge light. All this, and no
new holes need be drilled in the dash or metal backing.
The flasher can still be intact in a behind the dash location.

If you have the early style rocker flasher switch, all bets are off.
From: patton@suscom-maine.net(Rick) Subject: Dashboard 
Hello All, 
Just about to redo the wood dash and want to add a boost gauge and some
other little goodies. Anyway I hope someone can share a good photo of
the metal dashboard backing with the wooden fascia removed. Looking to
see where bracing is located so there is no interference with the new
thanks in advance, 
Rick Patton

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