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Re: Small Vacuum lines

To: 6pack@autox.team.net
Subject: Re: Small Vacuum lines
From: tr6taylor@webtv.net (Sally or Dick Taylor)
Date: Wed, 26 Oct 2005 23:05:08 -0700
John---If you really want to know if there are vacuum losses you can use
a vacuum gauge at the vacuum source (carburetor), and compare it to the
reading at the end (distributor retard canister).
They shouldn't be so loose as to be noticeable, tho. 
There are several ways that these can be tightened, short of replacing
all of the lines and elbow connectors. One way might be to see if
pushing the lines deeper into the connectors tightens them up.  Or snip
off the old ends of both the connectors and the lines...Or, run a warm
nail down inside of the end of the vacuum lines, thereby strehching
their diameter to where they fit snug again.
I wouldn't glue them in.


From: jmitch@snet.net(John Mitchell) Subject: Small Vacuum lines 
          The small vacuum lines from the carbs to
the flame traps and to the distributor, etc., do not fit that tightly
into the attaching ends. Seems like a potential vacuum leak. Should
these be glued in or sealed in some way. Thanks for any advice. John
Mitchell   76 TR6 

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