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Re: Rust in Trailing Arm Brackets

To: John North <jnorth@novagate.com>, Triumph 6 Pack
Subject: Re: Rust in Trailing Arm Brackets
From: Todd Bermudez <red_tr250@yahoo.com>
Date: Tue, 25 Oct 2005 20:19:53 -0700 (PDT)

One thing you can try is to grind out a piece of the
bottom of the trailing arm section of the frame.  Then
weld in a vertical piece on either side of the tubes. 
Then weld the piece that you cut out back in...or cut
a piece of metal to fit & weld it in.  It can be done
and made to appear as if nothing had been done...ask
me how I know:-)  Actually in my case both trailing
arms developed quarter size holes...which of course
turned into half dollar size after doin' a little
poking.  This was closest to the lower
cruciform(t-shirt).  Once completed, a bunch of POR-15
& she's as good as new.  Might wanna think about
adding the gussets in the diff mounts if not already

Todd Bermudez

--- John North <jnorth@novagate.com> wrote:

> Rebushing the rear suspension.   When I removed the
> inner bracket from the
> trailing arm, I got a bunch of rust falling out of
> the lower hole in the
> frame.   Looks like there are stiffeners in the
> frame to keep it from
> collapsing when the bracket bolts are tightened.  
> Looking in the bottom
> hole, the lower part of the stiffener seems intact,
> the upper is missing,
> presumably in the small pile of rust on the garage
> floor.   It looks like I
> will be OK to tighten this up without collapsing the
> frame, but any
> suggestions for preventive or enhancement measures
> while I got this apart?
> Any help appreciated
> John North

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