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Dependable Auto Shippers

To: <sandner@worldnet.att.net>
Subject: Dependable Auto Shippers
From: "John & Allison Cyganowski" <janah@att.net>
Date: Wed, 1 Jun 2005 21:23:36 -0400

I am sure people have had good experiances with DAS.  I am not one of them.

They are busy guys.  They ship lots of cars and are not concerned with you 
in particular. They will ship your car - when they are good and ready.

Sometimes they are fast.  Sometimes they are slow.  And if they are slow, 
you can just pound sand up you know where. Because they need to make profit 
and are not interested in hearing some car owner whine - especially when 
they already have your money.

Also, if you pay a premium for an internal carrier and one isn't available, 
no BFD, they will use an external carrier.  And if they damage your car - no 
BFD, this is what insurance is for. And since you are unlikely to ever need 
their services again, you can just take what they give you and be greatful.

I don't think that DAS is unique.  If you can possibly avoid a carrier and 
can tow/carry/drive it yourself, you are well advised to do so.

John Cyg.
Beat to shit by DAS

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