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In or Out /Hot differential

To: 6pack@autox.team.net
Subject: In or Out /Hot differential
From: michael lunsford <mblunsfordsr@yahoo.com>
Date: Sun, 10 Apr 2005 08:09:52 -0700 (PDT)
Just saw all the in/out posts as well as the hot differnetial post so thought I 
would kill 2 birds with one stone -so to speak.  I just returned from a 30 
minute drive (in Florida 70 degrees here) and the differential is hot.   I can 
leave my hand on it but just barely.  I think that's about normal, if not I'd 
like to know also.  While I was under the car I also took a peek at the oil pan 
to remind me where the drain hole was.  It is on the front of the pan about 60 
percent toward the drivers side (does that make sense?).  While I was at it I 
also checked the other two engines in my shed and they all have the drain in 
the same place.  Two are 1970s and one is a 73.  Last time I changed my oil it 
took 5.5 quarts with a new filter.  Cheers
Mike Lunsford, 1970 TR 6

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