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I'm weeping

To: "6 Pack" <6pack@autox.team.net>
Subject: I'm weeping
From: "Richard Seaton" <rsh17@msn.com>
Date: Fri, 25 Mar 2005 18:18:37 -0600
 My TR6 has been up on jack stands for two months waiting for the O/D tranny
to return. John Esposito has been having some problems with the clutches
supplied from England, they are sticking in O/D...very bad for an A type O/D.
Hopefully the new batch he has will be better. I'm beginning to get a little
worried about having the car back on the road in time for the Mitty. If I was
really ambitious the old 4 spd could go back in, but damn, that's to much
 Enough for that, the real question of the day. All of the sudden the water
pump started leaking...heck it hasn't even been driven in months, just sitting
in the garage collecting dust. I guess it's upset too, but it's tears are
sweet. Must be the anti freeze. OK, I've got another water pump (had one put
back just in case, LUCKY), but am wondering if the weep hole should be
positioned at up or down? I think it should go up, my reason being it one were
to add a little lubrication it would be easy to do. If that would be advisable
to do. So what are the thoughts from the peanut gallery???

PS- I don't mind not receiving the 6 pack magazine for a while till things are
straightened out. Sure is great to benefit from other's hard work.

PSS- maybe get off line and grab a beer as I think my sarcasm might kick if I
suck a cold one down and keep typing. 72 degrees today and he my TR6 sits all
broken hearted.

Richard Seaton
View My 1969 TR6 restoration @

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