A classic case of 'mistaken' identity. I had a similar experience with a 'NOS'
250 owners manual that the seller did not realize was a late reprint. She too
accepted it back.
Although not malicious in this case everyone should be forewarned that an
unscrupulous seller will put a repro part in an original box and list it as
NOS. More commonly, though, are unknowing sellers listing a repro as NOS.
Always ask questions and check feedback!
Greg Dito
> From: Todd Bermudez <red_tr250@yahoo.com>
> Date: 2004/11/23 Tue AM 08:08:00 EST
> To: Six Pack <6pack@Autox.Team.Net>
> Subject: TR250 Mirror Follow Up
> All,
> I think the general consensus is that the correct
> TR250 & '69 TR6 mirrors all have GD. DESIGN NO. 894295
> WINGARD MADE IN ENGLAND stamped on the back. I'm told
> that the reproductions are of good quality, but
> nothing stamped on the back.
> The e-bay seller has agreed to take it back so I'm out
> a couple of bucks shipping. No biggie. Just more $$
> to spend on suspension goodies. It's only money.