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Re: Triumph World emblems

To: "jonmac" <jonmac@ndirect.co.uk>,
Subject: Re: Triumph World emblems
From: "Blake J. Discher" <bdischer@blakedischer.com>
Date: Tue, 07 Oct 2003 08:33:06 -0400
At 09:27 AM 10/6/2003, jonmac wrote:
>If anyone would
>like these, I'm holding a mini-auction and request off-line bids to me. I
>propose the successful (highest bidder) then mails his/her cheque to Blake
>Discher at Detroit Triumphs to help swell the proceeds of the charity run
>those guys did around Michigan this last weekend for kids with haemophilia.
>I'll mail the emblems direct to the buyer at my cost and when Blake tells me
>he's received the cheque. Is that fair?

Hi John...

That's a generous offer and I appreciate it a great deal.  We completed the 
run on Sunday; I'll post a recap later tonight.   Teaser:  We raised a 
handsome amount of money for the kids, but did we have any breakdowns in 
the 20 cars making the run?  Stay tuned!

Blake Discher, Detroit

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