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Re: Photo Links to my Two "BRAND NEW" TR's!

To: "Ann and Billy Green" <bgreen99@frontiernet.net>,
Subject: Re: Photo Links to my Two "BRAND NEW" TR's!
From: "Richard Seaton" <rsh17@msn.com>
Date: Sun, 28 Sep 2003 21:00:47 -0500

  You had better wear a bullet proof vest when you go to retrieve the cars. I
can just hear the Tennessean tell his son, shhhhhh, you'll scaar him boyeee,
now sit still and let me get a bead on him boy, then POW, with a 7mm Rem Mag,
with a laser guided heat seeking bullet. If your lucky he'll miss and only
crack the block of you new found "treasure." Then again your wife my buy him a
six pack of Milwaukee's Best and send him on his way. You had better send her
shopping while you sneak out to get the cars.

Richard Seaton

I'm on the way to Gatlinburg w/family till Thursday-
Look at my new cars!:

I found them in the woods less than 1 mile from my house and bought them for

Yes, I know I'm crazy- my wife is going to shoot me when I bring them home!
But there are lots of good parts there and 2 good engines and transmissions!
Both cars are '72s.

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