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Brake MC Part?

To: 6pack@autox.team.net
Subject: Brake MC Part?
From: Acekraut11@aol.com
Date: Fri, 26 Sep 2003 23:35:51 -0400
Hi List...
Long day traveling two hours each way twice to pick up two parts cars in NH 
today.  8 hours in a truck and 4 hours loading, unloading, etc, etc.  Glad I 
wasnt driving.  Arrived home to find a package from TRF.  My brake MC had 
arrived.  Opened the package to find the MC covered in spots of oil, or brake 
fluid or something with a chip out of the metal lip where the MC mates to the 
servo.  Took off the cover to the reservoir and found some fluid (about a 
tablespoon) inside the reservoir.  The plastic cover that goes over the end of 
the MC is slightly damaged.  It appears that someone dropped the MC and a chip 
flew off.  Also the outside metal surface isnt exactly bright and shiny.  I am 
certain the part has to be returned, however I am now curious if the part wasnt 
used once and returned before it was shipped to me.  For those of you who have 
received a new MC before, did it come with a clean dry reservoir?  What 
condition was the metal on the outside of the MC?  Bright and shiny or a little 
dull?  Just want to have my ducks in a row when I make my phone call to TRF.  
Just a tad bit of frustration here.  Thanks for your help. 
Aaron CropleyTopsham, Maine

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