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RE: Stromburg carb experts?

To: "'Sally or Dick Taylor'" <tr6taylor@webtv.net>, <6pack@autox.team.net>
Subject: RE: Stromburg carb experts?
From: "Gary R." <gary@tpartners.net>
Date: Sat, 19 Jul 2003 18:37:58 -0400
Dick - An FYI. Replaced the needle valve, cranked her over and VOILA! No
leak, purred like a kitten! Broke new cam in for 20 minutes at 2200 RPM,
temp stayed low (saw when thermostat kicked in), charging at 13V, Oil
pressure started at 80 PSI, stayed at 65 PSI after full temp was reached.
Right then the needle valve on carb #2 stuck and IT started dumping gas!!
LOL.. <was I smart enough to buy 2?...nahhh> Took it out, soaked it in carb
cleaner and got lucky, its ok for now (ordering new one though).. Now if the
new clutch and tranny are ok its all downhill from here!!

Thanks for your input!
Gary R.
Woodbury, CT

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Sally or Dick Taylor [mailto:tr6taylor@webtv.net]
> Sent: Wednesday, July 16, 2003 2:48 PM
> To: Gary R.
> Subject: Re: Stromburg carb experts?
> Gary---You are right in believing the float valve should stop fuel from
> comng in when the bowl is at the set level.  Any chance that vacuum is
> being applied here, like incorrect wiring at the anti-run on valve?  If
> something other than engine demands is sucking fuel out, the valve will
> open up and oblige.
> Dick

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